Thursday, March 19, 2015

*UPDATED* Walmart Exclusive Limited Edition Gold Mario Amiibo Releases Tomorrow

Tomorrow marks the release date for the Limited Edition Gold Mario Amiibo available exclusively at Walmart.  The online pre-orders sold out in about 15 minutes and they are expected to fly off the shelves equally as fast!

I have called three Walmarts in my area today to see if any would be getting them in and the results were vastly different.  The first had no clue what I was talking about and said to call back on Monday, the second knew they were supposed to be getting some in but had no clue when, and the third was able to look it up and see that they had four of them in stock somewhere in the back.  They said the person in charge of putting them out on shelves will be off until Monday, but they were going to try to see if they could locate them for me.  I was told to call back in an hour to see if they found them or not so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that I will be able to get one!

If they are unable to find them, I guess I will continue to call the other Walmarts in my area in hopes of finding one...

Good luck to anyone else trying to track one of these buggers down!

Update:  I was able to get one without any problems at all!  I showed up to Walmart with a friend at about 10pm and asked the guys stocking if they knew if they would be putting any out.  After punching in the UPC and seeing that they had eight on hand, one of the guys went to the back to find them.  He came back several minutes later and said he found a box of four but didn't know where the others were.

At around 11pm, two other people showed up so we formed a line.  The employee came back and said he found the other box of four so he had eight now.  Two more people, friends of the other two, came at about 11:30 so then there were six of us.  At about 11:50pm, three guys walked in and got in line, so now there were nine people in line and only eight Gold Mario Amiibo available.  Finally midnight hit and we had to wait on a cashier to come to the back to ring us up but there was a problem with the register so we all had to go up front.  When we got to the register, my friend was the first one up so the cashier asked him if he was just getting one and he said he wanted two.  The guy passing them out asked "really!?" and my friend said he was just joking, he only wanted one.  You could hear the sighs of relief from those behind us when he said that!  They said they got worried for a second so we all laughed.

Anyway, it was a pretty fun night just hanging out at Walmart waiting for the release!

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