Monday, March 2, 2015

Fox's 'The Last Man on Earth'

Last night, 'The Last Man on Earth' starring Will Forte premiered on Fox.  After seeing the previews a few times I was intrigued as to how this show would play out.  Would it only have one person in the show?  Would it eventually introduce new characters?  Would it even be any good?  The premiere of the first two episodes answered these questions and I am glad that I watched it as it is absolutely hilarious!

The show begins in the year 2020, a year after a virus wipes out earth's population.  We see a large bus driving around across the US with a voice blaring over the loudspeaker asking "Hello?  Hola?  Bonjour?  Chinese Hello?" with scenes of someone marking big black X's through each state.  You then see Phil Miller, played by Forte, spray painting a sign to let anyone know that he will be in Tucson.

Next you see him break into a mansion to claim it as his own.  He then proceeds to decorate it with the various items he obtained on his cross-country trip.  These include famous paintings, Michael Jordan's jersey, a T-Rex skull, and other famous items.

What happens next is a series of scenes that show how he spends his days coping with the isolation and boredom that comes with being the last human in existence.  These scenes were hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud many times at the complete randomness and absurdity of it all.  He drinks a $10,000 bottle of wine with cheese-whiz and spaghetti o's, bowls with cars, checks out a female mannequin, and wears a suit of armor while a tennis ball launcher pelts him with balls.  We also see him watching 'Castaway' with Tom Hanks as he screams at the screen that there's no way he would talk to a volleyball... afterwards we see him in a bar with many types of balls with faces on them.

While it is funny, it does get a little depressing as he starts to lose hope and ultimately decides that there is no more reason to live.  As he is about to commit suicide, he sees a plume of smoke in the distance so he rushes out to investigate.

I don't want to give anything away, but he does find someone and the comedy just gets better and better from there!

With great comedic scenes and music, I am excited to see where this series goes from here.  I see big potential and hope it does well in the ratings so it will continue on for a good while.  If you are looking for a new TV comedy, I highly recommend this one!

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