Thursday, March 19, 2015

Around the Web: Time: Nintendo CEO Reveals Plans for Smartphones

Earlier this week, Nintendo announced that they are teaming up with DeNA, a Japanese company that provides mobile portal and e-commerce sites, to work on some games that would be compatible with an array of smartphones and tablets.

This news was met with varying reactions on the internet, some were happy to hear the news and others feel that this could be the decline of Nintendo.

In this exclusive interview from Time, Nintendo CEO Satoru Itawa reveals more of the company's plans for the future.

I think that this strategy will work out best for Nintendo overall.  I am happy to hear that they do not plan to port any of their previous or future IP's released for their home consoles or portable devices, but will simply create new games using their characters in hopes to attract more people to their systems.

I am also excited to see what their next system, codenamed NX, will be like.  Some on the internet act like the system will be coming out next year, but in reality it's at least two years away.  While that still leaves the Wii U with a shorter lifespan than most other consoles, it is clear that Nintendo needs to do something to gain back the third-party support that have almost all abandoned them.

What are your thoughts?

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