Sunday, January 11, 2015

Around the Web: IGN (Opinion) Xbox One and Playstation 4 Are Effectively Online-only Consoles

In this IGN article, Dan Stapleton talks about the absolute need for an internet connection to be able to enjoy the Playstation 4 and Xbox One despite Sony previously claiming the opposite and Microsoft backing off its online only stance.

You can read the article here:  Opinion: Xbox One and Playstation 4 Are Effectively Online-only Consoles

With someone like me, who has limited internet options where they live, having a console that uses so much data is unappealing.  The only options I have for internet are satellite or a Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP).

Satellite provides good speeds (around 10mbps) but also has tight data caps (10GB/month) while WISP has slow speeds (around 1mbps) and unlimited download limits.  I went with satellite and for the most part stay within my data limit, but even if I do go over, my speed just gets cut to 1mbps.

This basically eliminates my ability to play games online as well as download huge patches, DLC, or digital only games.  I do get an additional 10GB/month between 2am and 8am, so I can usually download larger files during that period, but it still doesn't take long to burn through that data with the amount of games needing to be patched on day one.

This is my primary concern about getting a PS4 or Xbox One, most of the games available rely heavily on online multiplayer and the number that require a substantial day-one patch really turn me off.  Don't get me wrong, patches can be a good thing as there will always be bugs and glitches that slip through Quality Assurance, but when you purchase a game on release day, there should be no reason that you have to download a 1GB patch in order to play.  That is just lazy development.

 I have to give Nintendo credit for not following along on this trend.  When you buy a Nintendo game, it is usually well polished.  That is not to say that their games never have issues, but that their games usually have a lot fewer issues and very minor ones, at that.  I am thoroughly enjoying my Wii U since it offers great games that can be enjoyed either alone or through local co-op.  While it would be nice for some of their games to include online multiplayer (Super Mario 3D World, for example), I don't feel like it's missing much by not having it.

That is also why I currently have no desire for either a PS4 or Xbox One.  Although, as more offline friendly games come out, I will probably be tempted to get a PS4.  In fact, once Omega Quintet is released in America, I'll most likely break down and get one...  The power of m is hard to resist!

What are your thoughts on the online requirements that PS4 and Xbox One have?  Is your internet connection good enough to keep up with the data demand that these consoles need?

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