Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top AAA Games of 2014

Earlier, I shared my list of Top Niche Games of 2014, so now it is time to share my list of top AAA or mainstream games of 2014.

My niche list heavily favored the Playstation 3 and Vita, which both have a wonderful selection of Japanese games, but this list heavily favors the Wii U.  As I get older, I find that I am playing more and more Nintendo games.  Whether, this is due to nostalgia (I have owned all of the Nintendo consoles since the NES), or just tiring of the AAA games that the other consoles have to offer, I do not know.

Here are the 10 games that I enjoyed the most this year:

10.  Captain Toad:  Treasure Tracker (Wii U)

Captain Toad began as a mini game in 2013's Super Mario 3D World, and it was announced earlier this year that a full game would be released.  This game is essentially a puzzle style platformer where your goal is to lead Toad or Toadette through each course to get the star at the end.  There are also three gems to collect in each course that are similar to the star coins in the New Super Mario Bros games.  Although it isn't required to collect them to finish them level, you will need a certain amount to unlock more stages.

This is a fun pick-up and play game that doesn't take a whole lot of time to finish, but a secret challenge for each stage is revealed upon completion such as 'don't get detected by enemies,' 'find the hidden golden mushroom,' 'collect x number of coins,' etc...  This adds a little more mileage to the game.

9.  Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)

Hyrule Warriors is a crossover title between The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors and the gameplay is familiar for those who have played a game in the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors series.  The maps consist of a large battlefield containing several bases and massive hoards of enemies and your goal differs slightly during each mission.  You may have to take out all of the enemy bases, find a way to get past an obstruction blocking your way, or taking out a boss.

The LoZ twist made this a very fun game, in my opinion.  Many items made popular by the franchise can be found and used as you battle the dark armies.  The bombs, bow, boomerang, hookshot, and master sword all make an appearance, as well as characters and stages that span several different Zelda games.

There is also a large cast of playable characters, each able to level up to improve various stats and abilities.

The game does start to get a little monotonous after awhile, but it is still fun to pick up every now and then to mow down the hordes of enemies.

8.  Theatrhythm Final Fantasy:  Curtain Call (3DS)

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is a rhythm game with a twist.  Instead of just taping the buttons along with the beat and watching a cut scene in the background, your performance actually affects your characters in battle or during field scenes.

Boasting over 200 songs that span Final Fantasy's history (from the original to Lightning Returns) plus various modes of play, including free play and quest modes, this little game has a lot to offer.  You will also unlock new characters as you progress so you can create a party with several of your favorite FF heroes!

This is another fun pick up and play title that will have you coming back for more, again and again.

7.  South Park:  The Stick of Truth (PS3, Xbox 360)

Games based on TV shows or movies have a reputation of being BAD.  It was surprising to play South Park:  Stick of Truth and actually have so much fun!

If you have ever watched the show then you will know what to expect in a South Park title (potty humor and shock value) and this game goes above and beyond that.  Humor has always been a tricky thing with video games but this game pulls it off, gloriously!

This game is a turn based RPG with an overworld that recreates the entire town of South Park, complete with characters that span the show's 18 season history.  During the course of the game you will do battle with Al Gore, the Underpants Gnomes, Nazi Zombies, Probe-happy Aliens, and much, much more!  You'll definitely want to check this game out if you are a fan of the show!

6.  Final Fantasy X/X2 HD (PS3, PS Vita)

I remember back when Final Fantasy X first came out.  I went to Hastings and rented it early one morning and came back home to play.  I began my journey into Spira as my brother was still in bed asleep.  After a couple of hours he woke up and looked at the TV and asked 'Is that a game!?  I thought you had been watching a movie this whole time!'

I was delighted when they announced an HD remaster of the game since my old PS2 copy was damaged when I let my cousin borrow it many years ago.  This version offers updated HD graphics and a new soundtrack.  This is definitely a great JRPG and if you never had the chance to play it before, you should check it out.  The pack includes the sequel, as well.

5.  Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

I was a little worried about this game when it was first announced because I didn't really care for Mario Kart Wii.  I grew up playing Mario Kart on SNES, N64, and Gamecube and loved everyone of those, but Mario Kart Wii just wasn't fun for me.

This game did not disappoint and I quickly realized that this would be a game that I play again and again!  It features beautiful graphics and a huge selection of characters and kart customization options.  The first DLC pack came out last month and included 8 new courses, 3 new characters, and a few more kart options.  I love the new courses as much as those included on the disc and can't wait for the next DLC pack in May!

The only complaints I had about the game was the lack of an on-screen map, which was fixed in an update, and a lack of dedicated battle courses.  Battle just isn't as fun on full race maps as it is in arena style maps.

4.  Donkey Kong Country:  Tropical Freeze (Wii U)

DKC:  Tropical Freeze does platforming right by offering a challenge while remaining consistently fun.  I loved most everything about this game.  The graphics, music, boss fights, and level designs were all top notch!

There were a few levels that stressed me out with the difficulty but I had enough fun to keep coming back for more.  If you find the difficulty too challenging, you can go to Funky Kong's store to buy helpful items (although I refused to do this out of the desire to complete the game without 'cheat' items).

If you own a Wii U and haven't played this game yet, go do it now!  You won't be disappointed!

3.  Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS (Wii U, 3DS)

I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Smash Bros games.  While I usually enjoy them solo, I am just plain horrible when fighting other people, so I usually get burned out quick.  This version offered plenty of content and also supported Amiibo characters that can mimic human players in order for you to get better.

After playing with a few of the Amiibo that I own, I could see myself improving and was able to move up in difficulty while playing against the computer opponents.  I still don't know how I'll compare to some of my friends, but I'm sure I'll at least be better than I was when we played the old versions.

Featuring a huge roster of characters, a nice selection of stages and modes, along with loot that can be used to customize fighters, this game has plenty to offer and will surely be one that I'll continue to play for years to come.

2.  Bravely Default  (3DS)

I bought my first 3DS this past black Friday and this game was one of the reasons that convinced me to pick one up.  Made by Square-Enix, it is a call back to the classic Final Fantasy games with many similarities.  I am only starting chapter 2 (about 18 hours in) but I have been loving every minute of it.  Playing on hard mode reminds me of playing through Final Fantasy 1 and 2, where you would just make it to the end of the dungeon and be out of MP and items, so you have to warp out to refill and restock.  I miss games like this that actually offer a challenge to players.

With beautiful hand drawn-style graphics, a great cast of characters, and an engaging story I could see myself replaying this game after I complete it.

If you love the old style JRPG's and haven't checked this game out, you should look into it.

1.  Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

I loved the first Bayonetta and played through it many times.  At first, I was disappointed that the sequel was coming to the Wii U, because at that time I didn't think that I would ever buy one.  Now I am glad that I did!

Bayonetta is known for its over-the-top battle sequences and goofy humor and the sequel did not disappoint in either of these areas.  In this game, you will do battle on the back of a jet, then face a mini boss on a moving train, and ultimately fight a ginormous demon-dragon as you fly up a skyscraper, and this is just the first level.

Platinum Games proves again that they are the masters of the action genre with this games slick controls and combo system.

One other thing that I absolutely love about this game is the in-game unlockables!  So many games today just add any bonus content on as paid DLC so it is refreshing to find a game with so many weapons, costumes, and accessories that can only be obtained by playing the game and not paying the developer.

There are also some pretty cool Nintendo themed costumes to dress Bayonetta up in, that make the game even more absurd!


Well, there you have it, my top AAA games of 2014.  It was a very good year for Nintendo games, and next year is looking to be good, too!  With games like Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Yoshi's Wooly World, Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda U, and Starfox, I don't think my Wii U will get many breaks.

What games are you looking forward to?

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