Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Picture Credit:  epoxy putty from Pixiv

I'm usually not one to make resolutions, but this year I am going to try to make a few improvements in my life.  I know it won't be easy, but I would like to do the following things:

1.  Get better at 'opening up' to those around me. 

 I've always been one to guard my emotions and thoughts from others, letting only a couple of close friends in close enough to know the 'real' me.  I'm not sure why this is... I'm good at cutting up in front of others and getting them to laugh, but the moment serious conversation starts, I begin looking for an out.  I want to get better at sharing my thoughts and being able to get closer to others and this blog is one of my first steps.

While at the moment, I am doing this blog anonymously, with only two of my friends knowing about it, I feel that it is good therapy just to get some things out there even if only a handful of people ever stumble onto it.  It is my hope that by getting comfortable writing what comes to mind and sharing things that interest me on this blog, it will transfer a little into real life.

2.  Get into shape. 

This is probably the top resolution among all people, but it is one that I am hoping to keep.  A friend and I were talking a few weeks ago about how, as we get older, our main reason for wanting to get in shape doesn't have anything to do with looks or attracting the ladies, but simply to live longer.

While I am still relatively young (31), my job and hobbies offer little to no exercise and the effects can be felt in daily routines.  When I go to work, I sit at a desk most of the day, with the most taxing thing I do being walking to the mailbox.  There are some days that I get to leave the office and help in other areas such as the kitchen, housekeeping, lifeguarding, or ropes course facilitation, but those days are far and few in between.

As you can tell by this blog, my hobbies include video games and anime, neither offering much in the form of exercise.  Although, I did buy and exercise bike to ride while I watch anime to make exercise a little less boring.

At 6 foot tall, I weigh about 230lbs at the moment, which isn't huge, but I would like to drop 20-30 pounds this year just to feel better about myself and help with the aches and pains that begin as you get older and less active.

3.  Save up for a trip to Japan

As and anime fan and as someone who is interested in Japanese culture, I would like to visit the country at least once.  I could easily save up and have enough to go in a year, but I am generally bad at saving money.

This year, I am planning to take $200-$300/month and put towards this goal so hopefully by this time next year, I can be in the planning stages of taking that trip!  I would also like for one of my friends to go with me so I wouldn't be alone, but that may be a little tricky since they are all mostly married and either have kids or wanting kids.

But, who knows, I may meet someone this year that is wanting to go, as well!


Now that the easy part is over (making the resolutions), now it is time for the hard part, keeping them!  Hopefully, you will see some updates throughout 2015 about my progress and I will be able to fulfill them all.

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