Thursday, April 16, 2015

Around the Web: Two Articles from Voices of Liberty

One of my friends sent me the links to a couple articles on last night, and I really enjoyed them so I thought I would share them here.

The first is "Why Christians Should Immediately Become Libertarians" by Ben Lewis

The Second is "5 Ways Alcohol Prohibition Was No Different Than The Marijuana Ban" by Jonathan Boesche

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Katie Couric Pranks James Corden on the Late Late Show

On last night's Late Late Show with James Corden, Katie Couric played a pretty great prank on the host.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Journey Through 'The Legend of Zelda' Series (Part 4)

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

It has been around fifteen years since I last played The Legend of Zelda:  Ocarina of Time so I was excited to trek through this game again.  Many consider this game the gold standard of the Zelda franchise and, while I remember enjoying it when it first came out on the Nintendo 64, my opinion before re-playing was that it was a good game but some people give it too much credit.

Now that I have finished my most recent play-through, I can honestly say that I was wrong and this game does deserve the accolades that it has received over the years.

Read on to find out my thoughts on the game:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Getting the PS4 Itch...

Since it's launch a little over a year ago, there hasn't been any games released for the Playstation 4 that have piqued my interest.  While I do admit there are some good games on the system, my tastes have changed in the past few years so none of them appeal to me anymore.

I do believe that is about to change though!  As I write this, there are a handful of games announced that I am very interested in and will probably result in me buying this system in the near future.

These are the games that I want:

(Some of these may be on the NSFW side)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ika Musume Attempts to Steal Ayanami Rei's Ramen

This is a picture I took of a couple of my figures several years ago.  The Ika Musume (Squid Girl) figure was the first one I ever bought.  Several years later I have many shelves full of figures from various anime and games!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

*UPDATED* Walmart Exclusive Limited Edition Gold Mario Amiibo Releases Tomorrow

Tomorrow marks the release date for the Limited Edition Gold Mario Amiibo available exclusively at Walmart.  The online pre-orders sold out in about 15 minutes and they are expected to fly off the shelves equally as fast!

I have called three Walmarts in my area today to see if any would be getting them in and the results were vastly different.  The first had no clue what I was talking about and said to call back on Monday, the second knew they were supposed to be getting some in but had no clue when, and the third was able to look it up and see that they had four of them in stock somewhere in the back.  They said the person in charge of putting them out on shelves will be off until Monday, but they were going to try to see if they could locate them for me.  I was told to call back in an hour to see if they found them or not so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that I will be able to get one!